International action "Let's save the primroses"

Міжнародна акція "Збережемо первоцвіти"

Every year, the employees of the "Tiligulskyi" RLP park join the "Save the primroses" International action - the action is aimed at preserving early-flowering plants and drawing society's attention to this problem.

As part of the campaign, an ecological lesson "Primroses - the first smiles of spring" was held with students of the 8th grade of the Malakhiv Branch of the Berezan Lyceum of the Berezan Settlement Council. The students watched a presentation about the first spring flowers, the criteria by which they are classified as primroses, and species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. They took part in the interactive game "Primroses" and solved thematic crossword puzzles. Also, 5th graders joined the 8th graders, making appliqués and paper crafts.

The purpose of the event is to deepen students' knowledge about spring flowers - primroses, the formation of a desire to create, to learn their abilities, to develop their own responsibility for nature conservation, the desire to participate in nature conservation activities, to form ecological awareness, a caring attitude towards green friends.

Міжнародна акція "Збережемо первоцвіти"
Міжнародна акція "Збережемо первоцвіти"
Міжнародна акція "Збережемо первоцвіти"
Міжнародна акція "Збережемо первоцвіти"
Міжнародна акція "Збережемо первоцвіти"
Міжнародна акція "Збережемо первоцвіти"
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