День створення регіонального ландшафтного парку "Тилігульський"

Day of creation of regional landscape park "Tiligulskyi"

On the occasion of the celebration of the 29th anniversary of the establishment of the Tyligulsky Regional Landscape Park, a meeting was organized with small nature lovers - students of the Malakhiv branch of the Berezan Lyceum. During the meeting, V.M. Gromov, acting head of the state security department of the PZF of Ukraine, and N.M. Zabrodska, a leading specialist in recreation. a story was held about the "Tiligulsky" landscape park and the great importance of ...

Day of creation of regional landscape park "Tiligulskyi" Read More »

Міжнародний День Матері - Землі

International Mother Earth Day

For the international "Mother's Day - Earth" today, the students of the Malakhiv branch held a thematic lesson "The Earth is our common home" in order to draw students' attention to the environmental problems of humanity and help them realize that each person bears personal responsibility for the future of our planet. As part of the lesson, a motivational moment was held - "Choose a flower and write a wish on ...

International Mother Earth Day Read More »

Зірочки цибулиноносні (Gagea bulbifera(Pall.) Salisb.)

The stars are bulbous (Gagea bulbifera(Pall.) Salisb.)

Gagea bulbifera is a species of herbaceous plants of the Liliaceae family. Perennial herbaceous plant. The bulb is ovoid or spherical, small. Sometimes the bulb is crowded together with several smaller ones, dressed with brown-gray remnants of expanded leaf bases. The stem is thin, covered with very short hairs. A little above the middle, the stem branches into 2 or 3 branches that bear 1 flower at the top. …

The stars are bulbous (Gagea bulbifera(Pall.) Salisb.) Read More »

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