Crocus reticulatus

Шафран сітчастий

1. Crocus reticulatus (Crocus reticulatus Steven ex Adams)

Crocus reticulatus (Crocus reticulatusis a species from the familyIridaceae). Perennial herbaceous plant, height 5-30 cm. Spring ephemeroid. The stem is absent. 3-4 sheets. They are narrow, green with a white stripe. The leaves appear simultaneously with the flowers and elongate strongly after flowering. Tuber bulb, the lower part of which covers a mesh of fibers. The flowers are single, fragrant, white, rarely pale violet with 3 purple stripes on the outer petals. Perianth three-membered, fused-petaled, actinomorphic. The fruit is an oblong box lying on the surface of the ground. The grains are brown, 2 mm wide. The plant is light-loving, frost-resistant, moderately moisture-loving.

Listed in the Red Book of Ukraine in the status of "Invaluable". 

The author of the text and photo is Ruslana Melnyk

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