Alpine squill

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1. Alpine squill (Scilla bifolia L.)

Alpine squill (Scilla bifolia L.) is a species from theAsparagaceae family.).

Herbaceous perennial plant 6-20 cm tall. The stem is leafless, cylindrical, bare, flowering. Underground shoot – bulb. The bulb is ovoid, wrapped in blackish membranes. The plant has two, very rarely three root leaves, which with their vaginas embrace the stem to the middle of its length. The leaves are broad linear, grooved, narrowed to the base and end with a cap-shaped apex. The flower is blue (less often white), correct, split-petal. Flowers are collected 2-10 in liquid brushes. The fruit is a black, spherical, dull-faced box with almost spherical seeds in each nest.

It grows mainly on the slopes of beams.

The plant is poisonous. It has medicinal properties.

Listed in the Red Book of Ukraine in the status of "Invaluable".

The author of the text is Ruslana Melnyk

Photo from the Internet

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