Pale hyacinth

Гіацинтик блідий

1. Pale hyacinth (Hyacinthella leucophaea (K. Koch) Schur)

Pale hyacinth (Hyacinthella leucophaea) is a species of herbaceous plants of the asparagus family.Asparagaceae family.).

Perennial herbaceous bulbous plant is 7-25 cm tall. The bulb is ovoid. 1-2(3) stems emerge from each bulb. Leaves 2-3(4), linear, with a cap-shaped top, narrowed to the base and with protruding veins. The inflorescence is oblong-cylindrical, relatively dense. The bunions are simple, grown petal, whitish-blue or blue. The fruit is almost a spherical box. It blooms in April - May. Pollination is carried out with the help of insects (entomophilia). Fruiting occurs in May – June. Seeds spread thanks to elastic stalks when pushed, therefore, according to the type of dispersal of diaspores, the plant is classified as a ballista.

A regionally rare species in Ukraine.

The author of the text and photo is Ruslana Melnyk

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