Rye sedge (Carex secalina Wahlenb.)

Rye sedge (Carex secalina) is a species of herbaceous plants of the sedge family (Cyperaceae).Cyperaceae).

 A perennial plant with linear leaves that forms turf. Stems are erect or ascending, smooth. The leaves are slightly higher than the stems, simple, flat, hardened, gray-green.The inflorescence is complex, sometimes branched at the base of the spike. The upper 1-3 spikelets are male, located on long legs, the length of which is equal to the length of the sheaths of the covering leaves. The lower 3-5 spikelets in the inflorescence are female. Female spikelets are spaced, long-stemmed, thick and dense. The flowers are small, the fruit is a nut.

The species grows exclusively on saline soils (halophyte).

Rye sedge is included in Appendix I of the Berne Convention, the European Red List, and is also protected by the national legislation of many European countries.

The species is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine in the status of "Vulnerable", endemic to Ukraine.

The author of the text is Ruslana Melnyk

The photo is from the Internet

Tags: Scientific department

Осока житня (Carex secalina Wahlenb.)
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