Drik the Scythian

Drik the Scythian ( GenistGenista scythica) is a species of flowering plants of the Legume family ( Fabaceae).Fabaceae).

A shrub from 20 to 40 cm tall. The stem is winding. Branches are short, often recumbent. The leaves are lanceolate, pointed, dark green, silvery downy below, bare above. The flowers are yellow, collected in apical sparse tassels. The fruit is a bean, slightly bent, appressed hairy.

It grows on dry, poor limestone outcrops and gravelly soils on limestones.

Listed in the Red Book of Ukraine in the status of "Invaluable".

The author of the text is Ruslana Melnyk

Photo - from the Internet Tags: Scientific department

Дрік скіфський (Genista scythica Pacz.)
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