Expeditionary visits were carried out for the purpose of researching the population of four species of rare ephemeroids of the Tylihulskyi RLP

Експедиційний виїзд на територію РЛП «Тилігульський» з метою дослідження популяції чотирьох видів рідкісних ефемероїдів.
Експедиційний виїзд на територію РЛП «Тилігульський» з метою дослідження популяції чотирьох видів рідкісних ефемероїдів.

During the expedition, scientists (R.P. Melnyk, M.V. Grubogo, associate professors of the Admiral Makarov National University of Economics, Ph.D. Melnychuk S.S.) researched the population of four species of rare ephemeroids of the Tyligulsky RLP, which are protected by the state and international levels:Crocus reticulatus Steven ex Adams,Galanthus elwesii Hook.f., Gymnospermium odessanum (DC.) Takht.,Adonis vernalis L.

Crocus reticulatus sub-Mediterranean-Asia Minor species. In Ukraine, it is common in the forest-steppe and steppe. Listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, the environmental status is "Invaluable" (Red Data Book, 2009). The location of the species is confined mainly to the steppe sections of the slopes of the arroyos of the territory of the RLP "Tilihulskyi". 

3 locations were found.

Galanthus elwesii Hook.f. – a disjunctive species on the north-eastern border of the range Galanthus elwesii has a relatively wide natural distribution, it can be found in the eastern parts of the former Yugoslavia, northern Greece, the eastern Aegean islands, southern Ukraine, Bulgaria and Turkey (in Asia).The largest and most numerous populations are found in the Taurus Mountains in southern Turkey [Davis, 1999]. The species is listed on the IUCN Red List, Annex II of CITES (1990) and the Red Data Book of Ukraine (R ed Data Book, 2009).

1 locations were found.

Gymnospermium odessanum a paleoendemic, relict species with ancient Mediterranean genesis connections (location 1). The species is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The conservation status is "vulnerable" (Red Data Book, 2009).

2 locations were found.

Adonis vernalisis a Euro-Siberian forest-steppe species. The species is quite common on the territory of Ukraine. Grows in the coenoses of meadow steppes, real steppes, sporadically occurs on the edges of forests and in light sparse forests. .

4 locations were found.

Participants of the expedition:

- S.S. Melnychuk, associate professor of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

- k.b.s., head of the scientific department of RLP "Tilihulskyi" Melnyk R.P.

- researcher of the Park Hrubiy M.V.

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