Due to the increase in air temperature, the number of fire incidents has increased. To save your life and the lives of people close to you, you should pay special attention to compliance with the following fire safety requirements:

Do not throw unextinguished butts and matches into the grass;
Do not make bonfires near buildings and structures, as well as in forest park zones;
Do not leave bottles and broken glass thrown on the street, which, turning into a lens in the sun, concentrate the sun's rays until the grass spontaneously ignites;
Do not use pyrotechnic products;
Do not allow children to play with fire.

In case of detection of signs of fire, which include flames, smoke, the smell of smoke, characteristic crackling, etc., every citizen is obliged to:

immediately notify the fire and rescue service by phone (101);
take measures to evacuate people, extinguish fires and preserve material values;
call, if necessary, other emergency and rescue services (medical, gas rescue, etc.).

If you find yourself in a forest, a burning steppe, you must:

keep calm, do not panic;
determine the direction of the fire
do not run away from the fire that is quickly approaching you, run in the opposite direction from the fire, or overcome the edge of the fire against the wind, covering your head and face with clothes; exit perpendicular to the direction of fire propagation;
if it is impossible to avoid the fire - go to an open meadow;
if you participate in firefighting, be at such a distance that you can see a number of people, communicate with them by voice. Be careful in mountainous areas

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