Dream meadow (Pulsatilla pratensis) is a species of herbaceous plants of the Zhovtetsevi family (Ranunculaceae family.).
A perennial herb 10-30 cm tall with a thick rhizome and basal leaves. The flowering stem is erect, densely soft-hairy, has single flowers at the top. The flower is drooping, dark purple, bell-shaped, blooms before the leaves open in April-May. Leaves appear after flowering. They are collected near the stem in a basal rosette. Fluffy fruits consist of many achenes.
In Ukraine, meadowsweet is widespread in most regions, mainly in pine forests, on meadow-steppe and steppe slopes.
Listed in the Red Book of Ukraine in the status of "Invaluable".
The author of the text is Ruslana Melnyk
Photo by Ruslana Melnyk
Tags: Scientific department