Eurasian wryneck or northern wryneck

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1. Eurasian wryneck or northern wryneck – Jynx torquilla

The tadpole is a small bird with a body length of 16-18 cm and a weight of 20-35 g. in an adult plumage of the upper body is gray-brown, the bottom of the body is whitish, there is a characteristic dark brown pattern on the chest. The head is rounded, with a long, thin beak. Eurasian wryneck has the ability to rotate its head by almost 180°.

Eurasian wryneck is common in Europe, Asia and Africa. In Ukraine, it nests throughout the territory, except for the Crimea.

Eurasian wryneck is a sedentary bird. It lives in forests, parks, gardens and fields. The Eurasian wryneck nests in the hollows of trees, sometimes occupying the nests of other birds. The nest is built of small branches, moss and lichens. There are 4-7 eggs in the clutch of Eurasian wryneck. The eggs are incubated by the female and the male in turn. Chicks hatch after 12-14 days. After hatching, the chicks grow quickly and begin to fly after a few weeks.

The Eurasian wryneck feeds on insects, their larvae and other small invertebrates. The Eurasian wryneck searches for prey on the ground, tearing anthills, under the bark of trees and in other shelters.

Eurasian wryneckr is a fairly common species and is not listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

Photo: Volodymyr Kucherenko

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