The stars are bulbous (Gagea bulbifera) is a species of herbaceous plants of the Lily family (Liliaceae).
Perennial herbaceous plant. The bulb is ovoid or spherical, small. Sometimes the bulb is crowded together with several smaller ones, dressed with brown-gray remnants of expanded leaf bases. The stem is thin, covered with very short hairs. A little above the middle, the stem branches into 2 or 3 branches that bear 1 flower at the top. The leaves are located alternately on the stem (mainly in its lower half). The base of the leaves is tuberous and swollen -
contains a bulb (hence the name of the species). In addition to the stem leaves, equally thin, but longer leaves leave the underground bulbs. The flowers are drooping before blooming, erect when opened. Perianth petals are yellow or whitish inside, outside with a wide green stripe, lanceolate. A ripe box is oval, round-triangular in section. The seeds are yellowish, flat compressed, in the form of a triangle. A typical steppe and petrophytic plant that prefers well-lit places.
The author of the text is Ruslana Melnyk
The photo is from the Internet
Tags: Scientific department